Lets see how we can help you out...With almost free*, Motivational Speakers in South Africa.

*Some of our speakers will consider FAIR-VALUE EXCHANGE / ALMOST free corporate talks. So before you go…

Fill in the form above, and lets chat to see what WIN WIN deal, we can do for you…and what you can do for us.


Looking for Good FREE* Motivational or Business Leadership Speakers in Gauteng or South Africa

Do you need expert business speakers on High Performance Mindsets, Trusting Teams, Limitless Leadership, Self Mastery, and Exponential results in sandton Joburg Gauteng ?

Expecting a FREE motivational or Leadership speaker may sound like a great idea, but the point most people miss is it’s not “free” for the business speaker!

Speakers have actual costs.  Like their preperastion costs, time costs, travel cost, lost opportunity costs, etc…So when want a  Free Motivational speaker, to speak for no income or value, you are asking them to actually PAY to speak for you. 

The value exchange is lopsided. It’s not very fair, is it?

If you are spending money on an event, respect the individual, speaker, as they are not a large corporate or large venue, They are usually a SOLO-preneur.

Explore Fair Exchange – a Win-Win approach

Choose an approach with more integrity and fairness to explore how you can exchange FAIR VALUE…

Maybe you don’t PAY the speaker with cash money, but you add meaningful value to the speaker’s life or business like:

  • Giving them the list and contact info of attendees.
  • Creating marketing visibility, PR or media Interviews
  • Agreeing to book them for a paid event within 3-6 months.
  • Doing a mailshot out to your people or network
  • Seeing if within your network there is a client who will sponsor the speakers’ fee.

At least respect the speaker enough to explore how, and what kind of value exchange you can create.

The Freebie Ripoffs 

I recently spoke for a local BEE conference company.  Fxxxxx Corporate training.

We agreed to let them pay a fee, lower than my usual professional rate.

A little while later, before the event, they claimed they needed to reduce my fee because they had no more budget.

To help them out, I agreed to a fee 25% of my usual rate.

On the event day, I get told that I need to do 2 additional, “no-fee” sessions, on top of my 1 hour session (at the lower fee).

So my time commitment went from a 90 minute session to a full day session.  But no increase in fee or fair value exchange.

 The Twist

Then I discovered they had 2 other speakers, who cancelled at late notive, which is why they needed me to help them out with the 2 extra sessions.

I also discovered that they agreed to pay the other 2 conference speakers, quite handsomly.

1 of the speakers was to be paid  more than double my initial fee, and the other speaker was to be paid 1500 pounds (R27,800).

I later heard they charged the 30 attendees R6000 per head for the day…. about R180,000… total income!

Nevertheless… I presented my 1+2  sessions and facilitated, where their staff, just did not get involved.

To date, I’ve not even received a thank you for helping out.

So watch out, the speakers network is a very small and well connected network. It could be suicide to try rip off speakers – just for the greed and money.

Do Be Fair and Strive for WIN/WIN relationship…

Be Fair and reasonable in exploring a win win deal for both sides for the business speaker and for your organisation. Business speakers invest a lot of time and effort into their work and craft.  They cannot pay their expenses, rent or cost, with a free talk.

If you approach the deal with a win win mindset – there is usually a possibility to create a positive result for all parties.

Call Tony Dovale – www.lifemasters.co.za for potent, provocative, thought-provoking exponential  people, teams, leadership and culture changing results 083-447-6300
